In CED INGEGNERIA architects, engineers and technical specialists work together, within integrated and structured teams according to the needs of each assignment. In this way we can guarantee the best efficiency and the highest quality for the implementation of projects in all major areas of construction.
For a constant and collaborative dialogue with customers, the management of assignments is entrusted to an experienced Project Manager who is responsible for coordinating the design team.
Our way of working constantly takes into account innovations in the fields of engineering and architecture, taking advantage of the latest technologies in favor of the economic and environmental sustainability of our projects.
Production capacity 90,000 hours per year.
CED INGEGNERIA’s commitment to Quality, reinforced and systematized through the adoption of ISO 9001: 2015 as a reference and commitment to improvement, is inspired by values and is embodied in the following methods:

Ours is a team teamwork: in every team there are leaders and supporting actors but to be successful there must be the maximum commitment of everyone: everything, at all times, at best.
Customer satisfaction is the heart of everything we do. All business functions are customer-oriented.

We provide integrated engineering and architectural solutions to help the customer to meet his needs. We stand out for our strong characterization and propensity for innovation and transversal thinking: we analyze projects to find the best mix of technological and organizational solutions.
Continuous improvement of our skills, we act creatively, we analyze our mistakes and find strategies so that they cannot be repeated, to improve the quality of our projects and our works.

Market approach through precise segmentation, seeking its correct positioning by defining clear and congruent objectives to the resources available.
Constant commitment to:
- Customer awareness
- Always ensure a superior quality service
- Organize the entire company around maximum customer satisfaction