Construction management and work supervision
Structural work supervision
Plants work supervision
Safety management during the project phase
Responsible for works
Safety management during the works phase

The plot will be completely rebuilt with mixed-functions buildings, and it will be developed on two underground storeys for parking and service spaces and a variable number of above-ground storeys according to the different buildings, never more than 5.
The main building will be the multifunctional arena, which will host up to 6500 people and the other functions hosted in the plot will be: commercial activities (15.000 sqm), tertiary activities (4.000 sqm), accommodation facilities (6.000 sqm,) and dwellings (5.000 sqm). 25.000 sqm will be dedicated to green areas and public spaces.
This transformation will provide for the municipality around 20.000 sqm of green areas, cycle lanes and vehicular lanes, the construction of a new public gym of around 3.000 sqm, the renovation of Serassi and Bianzana street, and of two tramway stops and a new vehicular network in this area, for accessing the city centre and the Seriana Valley.
The building site development is divided in three phases:
1st phase – excavation and provisional works
2nd phase – reinforced concrete structures and excavation completion
3rd phase – structures completions, plants and finishing

Period: 2018 – in progress
Characteristics of the intervention:
Project area: 147.500 sqm