Associazione Nazionale Alpini
L’Ana is a non-party association and aims to keep alive and hand down the traditions of the Alpini, defend their characteristics, illustrate the glories and deeds, promote and compete in voluntary and Civil Protection activities , with the possibility of employment in Italy and abroad, in the priority respect of the associative identity and decision-making autonomy.

Construction Supervision
Our history with Associazione Italiana Alpini (ANA)
As part of the social commitment that has always characterized the members of CED INGEGNERIA, over the years we have contributed to the structural design of some sections of the Alpine Corps in Bergamo.
These include the retirement home of the elderly in Redona (Bergamo), the monument to the alpine in Almè and Longuelo, the votive chapel in Valbrembo, the kindergarten and bell tower in Buia after the Friuli earthquake and the first building recovered in Umbria after the 1997 earthquake near Foligno already in the summer of 1998.
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